Where are we?
Commercial department

Lisbon and Setubal
artur.roldan@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 966 000 817
Artur Roldan
Commercial Technicianartur.roldan@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 966 000 817

arnaldo.augusto@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 925 973 047
Arnaldo Augusto
Commercial Technicianarnaldo.augusto@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 925 973 047

Porto and Aveiro
joao.monteiro@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 964 001 205
Joao Monteiro
Commercial Technicianjoao.monteiro@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 964 001 205

Braga and Viana
bruno.correia@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 966 830 880
Bruno Correia
Commercial Technicianbruno.correia@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 966 830 880

Algarve and Beja
eduardo.rijo@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 965 072 272
Eduardo Rijo
Commercial Technicianeduardo.rijo@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 965 072 272

Santarém, Évora and Portalegre
miguel.lucas@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 961 561 977
Miguel Lucas
Commercial Technicianmiguel.lucas@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 961 561 977

Import and Export Department

Diogo Rocha
Director of Services and Internationaldiogo.rocha@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 961 957 711

Department of Agriculture

Department of Rentals

Parts and Accessories Department

henrique.silva@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 961 957 709
Henrique Silva
Parts and Accessories - Agriculturalhenrique.silva@peixotoepeixoto.pt (+351) 961 957 709